Friday, July 2, 2010

Third City Advice from Everyone's Favorite Lamp Resident Genie1108

So since everyone is getting their armies built it's time to get your third city deed.

*******What to know*********

1. You do not have to capture the wild to get a crest. Only attack and win.

2. Crests drop from Lv5+ wilds, and that includes Plains.

3. You can continue hitting a wild you've already gotten a crest from; it will keep giving them.

4. Certain Crests will only drop from high level wilds.

5. The higher the level the wild, the more frequent crests will drop.

6. Clearing the traps is still EXTREMELY effective.

Hopefully these notes will dispel a lot of the rumors and superstitions about farming wilds. I hit the same 16 Lv8 and Lv9 wilds (including plains) within 10 spaces from my city each hour and got all the crests I needed for my 4th city.

********Where to find Crests********

Bor's - Dropped from Lv5-Lv10
Ector's - Dropped from L5-Lv10
Kay's - Dropped from Lv5-Lv10
Bedivere - Dropped from Lv8-Lv10
Gawain's - Dropped from Lv9-Lv10

******What to send to Wilds*******

Time the waves so Wave 2 hits within 30 secs after Wave 1. This may require that you send Wave 2, first, in some instances.

Requirements: Lv5+ Fletching
Wave 1: 50 Militiamen
Wave 2: 2,200 Archers
Losses: 50 MM

Requirements: Lv6+ Fletching
Wave 1: 100 Militiamen
Wave 2: 4,200 Archers
Losses: 100 MM

Requirements: Lv8+ Fletching
Wave 1: 150 Militiamen
Wave 2: 6,000 Archers
Losses: 150 MM

Requirements: Lv9+ Fletching
Wave 1: 300 Militiamen
Wave 2: 10,000 Archers, 800 Ballistae
Losses: 300 MM, 1 Archer

Requirements: Lv10 Fletching
Wave 1: 600 Militiamen
Wave 2: 25,000 Archers, 2,500 Ballistae
Losses: 600 MM, 1 Archer

Those are what it takes to efficiently farm wilds for crests. There are many combinations of troops that will allow you to win against the wild, but those outlined, above, are the least amount of troops required to take the least amount of losses.

Good Luck, and be patient, it takes some time.


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