Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Black Company/UA Alliance Rules

1. Treat all guild members and Friendly Alliances with respect this means no belittling of them in anyway including telling them they are stupid for the way they play its their game and we all play to have fun, if you are having a disagreement with another member please talk it out in whispers if you cannot resolve it this way please ask A VC or Officer to moderate it for you as we are a team and there is no I in Team!

2. Shit talking in Global please keep it to an acceptable level, we all enjoy a good rivalry but please don't go over board if you would not say it in person don’t say it here.

3. Attacking it is not acceptable to attack any alliances that are 1-30 ranked unless otherwise noted ( The Cure is off limts for now) and this means wilds to.

4. No posting of your own or another members cords in Global or alliance chat please use whispers or the in game mail system, keeping your cords hidden is key when the alliance is in a War and as most Alliances utilize Spying to collect cords you never know who is watching.

5. Always be ready to help your Alliance and Alliance mates, this can consist of advice if you know something they are asking about share! or backing them up in the case of an attack and repping for your Alliance ( another wards if you see another player looking for a Alliance or complaining about there's recommend ours as we all gain from having a higher ranked alliance)

6. HAVE FUN! Its a Game we all play to have fun and enjoy our time!

7.There have been a lot of annoyance/griefing attacks on people (aka 250 1 scout attacks on players for no reason), Black Company Doe's not tolerate this type of play by any members and there is only two limited exceptions to this rule.

A. If it is a Target we are set to Hostile to.

B. If the target player has done the same to you and you better be able to prove it and if this is true then get the whole alliance in on it.
The only people who may give you the go ahead to do this type of action for reasons other than the two listed are Ivan2222,Sparta6969 and myself thats it.

Just because we are the number three ranked alliance there is no reason for any one member the right to act like an ignorant thug, Black Company is not a hugger alliance I have said this many times but we are also not bully's we are a team and one team members actions reflect on us all good or bad.
It is up to us as a top 5 Alliance to set the bar for others to follow and acting like Bully's and thugs is by no means anywhere in line with the Leadership Teams vision for Black Company.
If any member from here on is caught breaking this rule in anyway other than the two listed exceptions you will be booted from the alliance period we are a team and those of you who have been doing these types of action need to act like part of a team not a rogue.

The Co-Chancellors,VC and Officers are listed below.

Lord Sparta6969
Lord Ivan12222

Lord Ckrom
Lord DirtyMac
Lord pds
Lord Stosman
Lady McMahan
Lord BDaddy
Lord Jaxon
Lord f4c3r0ll

Lady jahcks
Lady Genie1108
Lady Christina39cmw
Lord Cymru
Lord reannangle
Lord pyron
Lord Monkey_Sage

Thank You all for your great work so far!


Chancellor Black Company
All is well before the Storm of Black Company arrives for Vengeance.

1 comment:

  1. B_C ( Our Second Alliance ) Leadership Team.

    Lady AshleyLynn8940 (Chancellor)

    Lady jahcks (Co-Chancellor) Jahcks is the main Leader here in B_C she makes the calls following our same setup as the main.

    Lord Gavin39fb8 (Vice Chancellor)

    Lord MaximillianX (Vice Chancellor)

    Lord Texaco (Vice Chancellor)

    Lady Evelyn3izex (Officer)

    Lady sissy (Officer)

    B_C members are the same as Black Company treat as so they are also entitled to our protection just as any member.
